How to make mocha iced coffee

How to make mocha iced coffee

Do you crave a cool and creamy mocha iced coffee in the summertime? If so, you are not alone! Enjoying this delicious caffeinated beverage is a great way to kick off your day in the warmer months. With just a few simple ingredients, and some basic knowledge of how to use your coffee maker, it’s easy to make mocha iced coffee at home. This blog post will cover all the tips, tricks and instructions for creating a perfect morning cup of mocha iced coffee. So grab that bag of beans from your pantry (or pick up some fresh ones from your local cafe), get ready for an afternoon pick-me-up, and let’s start brewing!

1.Brew a pot of coffee using your favorite blend

according to the instructions on the package. For a mocha iced coffee, you will need an extra step. Once brewed, add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and ¼ cup of sugar (or more if desired) to your hot coffee and mix until completely combined. Let cool for a few minutes before transferring to a pitcher filled with ice. Serve with a generous amount of cream and some additional cocoa powder to garnish. Enjoy!

2.Pour coffee into a large pitcher or container and place in the fridge to cool

Once cooled, add chocolate syrup to the pitcher and stir until combined. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes, pour in the coffee/chocolate mixture and top off with milk. Add whipped cream and chocolate shavings or syrup as desired for garnish. Enjoy your delicious mocha iced coffee!

3.In a separate bowl, mix together condensed milk, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract until smooth

Pour the mixture into your coffee, stirring until it is evenly blended. Finally, add some ice cubes and stir until all of the ingredients are combined. Enjoy your delicious mocha iced coffee! You can experiment with the proportions of the ingredients to make your own personalised version of this refreshing beverage. For an extra special treat, top it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings! Enjoy!

4.Once coffee is chilled, pour it into another pitcher or container and stir in the chocolate mixture until combined

You can also whisk the chocolate into the mixture.If desired, add additional sweetener or cream to taste. Finally, pour the mocha iced coffee into glasses filled with ice and enjoy. For an extra special treat, top the mocha iced coffee off with some homemade whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa powder.

Making mocha iced coffee is a great way to enjoy a delicious summer beverage that’s sure to please. With just a few ingredients and simple steps, you can make an indulgent treat that rivals any café-made mocha iced coffee.

5.Blend until smooth and pour into glasses

To make mocha iced coffee, begin by combining one part cold press coffee or espresso with one part hot water. In a blender, add one cup of coffee ice cubes, two tablespoons of cocoa powder, two teaspoons of sugar and one-half cup of milk. Blend until thoroughly combined and then pour the mixture into two tall glasses. Finally, top each glass with one-half cup of cold brew coffee and stir to combine. Enjoy!

6.Pour coffee into glasses filled with ice cubes and enjoy!

Making mocha iced coffee is a simple and delicious treat to cool down with. Start by mixing together equal parts of brewed espresso or strong coffee and hot cocoa powder, whisking until the mixture is smooth. Add sugar to taste before pouring it into a large glass of ice cubes. Then, add either cream or non-dairy creamer and mix it thoroughly. Top off the glass with a few more ice cubes if desired and enjoy the delicious mocha iced coffee. If you want to make it even more special, try adding some flavored syrups or a sprinkle of cocoa powder on top. Enjoy!


Treat yourself and your friends with this cold creamy delight! The delicious and bold flavors will have you wanting more as the ice melts away. Plus, the combination of coffee and chocolate is unbeatable; it’s truly a match made in heaven! Whether you’re winding down after a long day or looking for something sweet to pair with a cozy moment, this iced coffee recipe has got you covered. So go ahead, brew up, cool off, and indulge – all without having to leave the comfort of your home. Cheers!


Q: Is it just espresso and milk?

A: No, It includes brewed espresso or strong coffee, cocoa powder, sugar, cream or non-dairy creamer, and ice cubes. You may also add flavored syrups as desired.

Q: How long will it keep?

A: Mocha iced coffee is best enjoyed right away. If you have any leftovers, store them in the fridge and enjoy within 24 hours.

Q: Is it served hot or cold?

A: It is traditionally served cold over ice cubes. This helps to bring out the bold flavors of the espresso and cocoa powder. If desired, you may also enjoy it warm without the ice cubes.

Q: Does it contain caffeine?

A: Yes, It is contains caffeine due to its inclusion of brewed espresso or strong coffee. Therefore, it should be enjoyed in moderation. If desired, you may use decaf espresso or coffee to reduce caffeine content.

Q: What are some substitutes for chocolate syrup?

A: Cocoa powder is the traditional ingredient used to make mocha iced coffee. However, if you don’t have cocoa powder on hand, melted dark chocolate chips or a few tablespoons of chocolate syrup can be used as substitutes.

Q: How can I make mocha iced coffee vegan?

A: To make mocha iced coffee vegan, substitute the milk for a non-dairy alternative such as almond or coconut milk. Additionally, use agave nectar instead of sugar and check that all other ingredients are also vegan. Enjoy!

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