How to empty a bunn coffee maker

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Empty a Bunn Coffee Maker

If you’re a coffee connoisseur or just a java enthusiast who cherishes the perfect cup of joe, then the BUNN coffee maker is likely a prized asset in your kitchen. However, as with any piece of equipment that delivers such day-to-day enjoyment, proper maintenance is key. For the uninitiated, It can appear as complicated as alchemy to empty out a BUNN coffee maker. – a complex operation that could lead to spilt gold (or, in this case, the nectar of the caffeine gods). In reality, it’s a straightforward task that even the greenest home barista can master.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the various models of BUNN coffee makers, the reasons why emptying them is crucial, and walk you through the step-by-step process. By understanding the science behind the method, you’ll ensure your BUNN coffee maker not only brews the finest coffee but does so for years to come.

Why You Should Empty Your BUNN Coffee Maker

A frequently neglected aspect of coffee maker upkeep, the regular emptying of your BUNN machine is a practice that can preserve the taste and lifespan of your appliance.

  • Flavor Retention: Old water can affect the flavor of your brewing water, which in turn affects the taste of your coffee. Regularly emptying and refilling your water tank ensures you’re starting with fresh water, resulting in a superior cup.
  • Equipment longevity: Sediment and mineral deposits can build up within the machine’s interior over time, leading to clogs and reduced effectiveness. Proper emptying helps prevent these issues, extending the life of your BUNN.
  • Mold and Bacteria: Standing water in the reservoir can become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Regular emptying and drying prevent this, maintaining a clean and hygienic brewing environment.

By scheduling a regular emptying routine, you’ll uphold the integrity of your machine’s brewing capabilities and the quality of your coffee.

Understanding Your BUNN Coffee Maker

BUNN models come in various sizes and designs, with different features catering to different coffee-making needs. Before you begin, it’s essential to know your machine’s specifications, especially the tank size and material. This information will dictate the amount of water you need to empty and the type of cleaning agents you can use safely.

  • Tank size: Ranges from 10 to 12 cups, or more for commercial models.
  • Material: Tanks can be glass, stainless steel, or other materials. Steel tanks, for example, may require a different cleaning agent than glass.
  • Features: Your BUNN may have special settings or be part of a larger system, requiring more nuanced maintenance.

For an optimal emptying process, familiarize yourself with your BUNN’s specificities.

Step-by-Step Guide to Empty Your BUNN Coffee Maker

Now that you understand the importance of maintaining your BUNN coffee maker and have acquainted yourself with its specifics, it’s time to learn the proper emptying technique.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you tackle the cleaning, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Distilled water
  • White vinegar (if descaling is required)
  • Soft cloth or cotton balls
  • A soft-bristle brush for scrubbing
  • Fresh coffee filters
  • Dish soap (for glass tanks)

Verify that your coffee maker is unplugged and cool to the touch, then gather your supplies within easy reach.

Step 2: Drain and Rinse

Start by removing the carafe and any coffee grounds. Discard the coffee filter, and take out all removable parts. If you have a commercial model with a plumbed-in line, you might need to shut off the water to the machine first, depending on your setup.

Fill the tank with distilled water, to about the amount you would for brewing a full pot of coffee. Turn on the brewer and allow it to operate as if you were making coffee, but without coffee grounds. This action ensures you clear out any remaining coffee and flush the system with fresh water.

Once the cycle is complete, carefully discard the hot water and repeat this rinse process two to three times, using fresh distilled water each time.

Step 3: Descale (if Necessary)

If your coffee tastes off or your machine has a calcium buildup, it’s time to descale.

To describe your BUNN coffee maker:

  • Use a solution that is half water and half white vinegar.
  • Fill the tank to its maximum level and run a brew cycle, allowing the mixture to sit in the tank for 15 minutes before completing the cycle.
  • Follow up with at least two rinse cycles using only distilled water.

Step 4: Clean the Exterior

Use a soft cloth or cotton balls dampened with water or a mild dish soap solution to wipe down the exterior of the machine. This is especially important for any spill-prone areas that may have built-up coffee stains.

Avoid using abrasive scrubbers, which could scratch surfaces or damage any logos or displays.

Step 5: Drying and Reassembly

After cleaning, dry all parts thoroughly with a clean towel. Ensure water isn’t left standing in any areas, as this can lead to mineral residue or mold.

Reassemble the machine, making sure all parts are securely in place.

Step 6: Final Rinse and Freshmen

Pour a carafe of clean, fresh distilled water into the tank. Run one last cycle to remove any residual cleaning agents and to ensure the machine is primed with fresh water for your next morning cup.

Your freshly emptied and cleaned BUNN coffee maker is now ready to delight you with the perfect brew!


Emptying your BUNN coffee maker is a task that requires just a bit of know-how and some elbow grease. By understanding the importance and following the step-by-step guide, you’ll ensure that your beloved coffee maker makes each cup as good as the first brew. Regular maintenance doesn’t just make better coffee; it also keeps your machine running smoothly for years to come.

Now, with your BUNN coffee maker shining and its parts refitted, you’re ready to savor a cup and appreciate the straightforward method by which excellent home-brewed coffee is achieved. Here’s to many more perfectly emptied and maintained BUNN brews in your future!

Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I empty my BUNN coffee maker?

It’s recommended to empty and rinse your BUNN coffee maker after each use. A full descaling should be performed every three months or as needed, depending on the hardness of your water and the frequency of use.

Can I use the same cleaning agents for all BUNN models?

While white vinegar is generally safe and effective for descaling most BUNN models, the materials and finishes of some models may require gentler or more specific cleaning agents. Always check your user manual for manufacturer recommendations.

Can I use tap water to rinse my BUNN coffee maker?

Using tap water for the rinse process is okay, especially if your local water is chemical-free or doesn’t have hard minerals. However, for the initial emptying and any descaling, it’s best to use distilled water to ensure the cleanliness of the system.

My BUNN has a warming plate—how do I clean it?

After emptying the tank and brewing a pot of distilled water, turn off the machine and allow the warming plate to cool. Once cool, wipe the plate with a damp soft cloth. If the plate has stubborn stains, you can use a non-abrasive cleaner mixed with water to gently scrub away the discoloration.

What should I do if my BUNN coffee maker isn’t brewing correctly after cleaning?

If your BUNN isn’t working properly after cleaning, it could be due to leftover cleaning agent or not enough rinsing. Run a few pots of just water through the machine to flush it out, and ensure all parts are dry and reassembled properly.

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